Do adulto em miniatura a criança como sujeito de direitos : a construção da politicas de educação para a criança de tenra idade na França




In the modem western world there seems to be a consensus that "the children are the most important resource of a country". But each country tends to have a certain detamined comprehension of the political amplitude that the social preservation of infancy presupposes. Furthermore, the inclusion of the problem in a political agenda which is not at all natural is the object of social and political controversies which express, with each new contingency, a detamined geld of forces. Beginning with the presupposition that the "question of infancy is located in adjacent zones where public and private own enter into confi ontation, this thesis seeks to verify the conditions of the actions of the 5 ench state m relation to children of the tender age, identifying the transformations that provided state regulations that allowed the 5 ench society to ascend to the position of a western parameter for the construction of public policies, especially educational, for the age group of 0 to 6 years old. In the first chapter, "From adult in miniature to the exhaultation of infancy", we accompany the emergence of the value that the child is different tom the adult and as such its specificity must be respected. Favored are the family and the school as institutional spaces of in5mtil life, as well as the discourse and images that give support to the socially instituted roles of children. In the second, "From actions of Charity to the Providence State - the child as a subject of rights", we deal with the form by which discourse about the child is concretized in specific policies. From indifference to children which allowed a naturalization of rejection we arrive at the child - the major wealth of the nation, that the Providence State protects whith a wide spectre of actions: health, education and leisure and which end up favoring also the punily itself. In the third chapter, "From the origens to the actual educational institutions", emerges a rich moment in which the child escapes 5om the hands of the family to be modeled by the public sphere through nursery schools and latm kindergardens. Finally, we treat the actual forms of shelter before the entering into kindergarden and the actual forms of kindergarden in the present day - a form of pre-school, although not obrigatory, that is fi equented by practically all of the populatian of children fiam 3 to 6 years old and by 80% of 2 year olds. In summary, in the course of this work we are permited to verify how, through public policies, the Sench nation instituted a subject with specific rights in function of a stage of life.


escolas maternais educação e estado creches familia infancia educação

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