Currículo em educação especial : o texto, as imagens e o acesso ao ensino




This work is an investigation on teaching concepts through analysis of documents that register the curricular culture from where we see the possibility of teaching the individual within their different conditions maintaining the practice of teaching specialization. This research was carried out by using official and non official publications with information from curriculum adaptations for special education, named: Education Curricula for mental handicaps, MEC, 1979; Learning Ways: an education alternative for mentally handicapped students - Isabel Neves Ferreira, (1993); Ecological Approach for Special education: basic fundamentals for the curriculum - Maria Cecilia de Freitas Cardoso (1997); and National Educational Parameter: curriculum adaptation (1999). Methodology strategies were needed to establish, as a focus, the individual conception, special pedagogic procedures and time the students spends in school that contribute to the scholar culture of special students. The data analysis reveals that the teaching proposition for special education was always focused in the limitations of the mentally handicapped, which seems to legitimate a pseudo speciality to the teaching-learning process. The results agree with our hypotheses that the Curriculum Parameters: curricular adaptation (1999) are a redesigned of a specialized culture considering that the concepts and practices of special education remain the same.


teaching special education educação especial ensino currículo educacao especial curriculum

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