Bullying: noções e ações dos gestores de escolas públicas estaduais da 17 Gered Itajaí, SC


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Based on the observation that cases of violence in schools are increasing in Brazil, this study sought to characterize the notions and actions of school directors in relation to the management of bullying in public state schools of the 17th Gered Regional Educational Administration, in Itajaí (SC). It is part of the Line of Research: Policies for Basic and Higher Education of the Research Group Public Policies for the Curriculum and Evaluation" of the Postgraduate Program in Education, UNIVALI. This work takes the form of a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach. Nine directors, to whom a semi-structured interview was applied, took part in the research. Contributions to the theoretical and scientific support of the study included authors who investigate the phenomenon of bullying (Fante; Pedra) and its variations, like cyberbullying (Shariff) and school bullying (Silva); antibullying policies (Eyng) and school management (Paro). Besides looking for responses from the managers of public schools on bullying, this study investigated the importance of public policies for preventing and dealing with this phenomenon in schools. The data collected were analyzed by content analysis, and showed that the notions on the phenomenon of bullying are very close to common sense, and that there is a lack of articulation between the decision-making authorities and the schools. In relation to actions, it was noted that responsibility is transferred from the director to the teacher, and sometimes to educational supervisors and technicians


políticas públicas bullying gestão escolar educacao assédio nas escolas public policies bullying school management

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