AvaliaÃÃo da implementaÃÃo do STP/MPT : um estudo de caso




Nowadays business world is extremely complex and the global economy makes the consumer market becomes even more informed and exigent. The frequency of changes in to business environment claims that the companies must have an elevated capacity of adaptation to the market, determining the necessity of substituting the paradigm of production in masses to flexible one. The industries have adopted strategies of agreement at the production level, among them just in time â one of the pillars of Toyota Production System and the TPM- Total Production Maintenance. Thus, they have conditions to answer the changes in market with greater speed, flexibility and capacity innovation. The Toyota Production System- TPS- is an important historical mark on the wide context of capitalist competition. It resulted from a development in Japan â in special from Toyota Motors Corp. â after the petrol crisis, on the decade of 70, when many occidental companies that accept the mass production, they were with development zero or even negative. Many factors must be considered in the moment of implementation TPS that can limit the total implementation of principle and tools of flexible production. The study of implementation from that system on Brazil scenary is essential, where the example of one multinational company, situated in Pernambuco, which is implementing the TPS with success. The main purpose of this dissertation is to make a critical analysis of the way that the TPS been on the company in study


produÃÃo enxuta just in time kanban kanban tpm just in time engenharia de producao lean production toyota production system mpt sistema toyota de produÃÃo

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