Atributos pessoais e de qualidade: um estudo nos cursos de administração do estado de Santa Catarina


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Higher Education has a fundamental role as a provider of knowledge. The Higher Education Institutions - HEI need to get know their students, in such a way that they can plan more effective institutional. It is in this sense this dissertation tries to analyze the personal and institutional attributes and to identify those that have more influence in the satisfaction, tendency to abandonment and loyalty of the Business Administration students of the HEI in the Santa Catarina. A comparative has been established among the day and time course. This research has been part of the Research Group in University Management and Higher Education in the research line of Strategy from the Program of Post-Graduation in Business Administration (PPGAD) at Blumenau Regional University (FURB). It is characterized as quantitative, descriptive, with a period of time traversal at the present time, by data collection with the application of a questionnaire with questions predominantly closed. The population of the research is the students of Business Administration of the HEI members of the ACAFE System in the state of Santa Catarina, being the data collected in four HEI that accepted to participate in the study, totalizing 379 students. With the information collected is possible to conclude that when the personal attributes that are intrinsic to the individual and give the necessary conditions for good academic performance, students from the night shift have more demanding issues directly related to the teaching-learning and in the emotional conditions that prepare you for teaching. The students in day classes are more demanding regarding to the structural issues. For the critical attributes of quality again to see the student during the evening with the most demanding issues related to teaching-learning process. For these attributes, so the student during the day has the same vision. Finally, to assess satisfaction with personal issues, the views of two shifts differ. Students of the diurnal period are much more critical. Satisfaction with the institutional attributes shows an equal assessment between the daytime and nighttime. With respect to the determination of the level of importance of attributes, being them personal or institutional, there is no statistical difference of opinion between the periods. Finally, the authors concluded that higher education institutions have sought solutions for the institutional problems, but they have to attack on the personal problems of their students. It is suggested that institutional policies to promote a greater understanding of the reality of students "beyond the gates of the HEI


gestão de ies gap de melhoria qualidade educacional satisfação de alunos lealdade de estudantes administracao gestão da qualidade total; formação profissional; administração - estudo e ensino (superior) hei management inprovement gap educational quality studentes satisfaction students loyalty

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