Atração e retenção de alunos em cursos de graduação em administração das instituições particulares de ensino superior de Joinville/SC




The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that attract, satisfy and retain students in private higher education institutions (IES) that offer graduate courses in Business Administration on Joinville/SC. This work was made for the ease of opening of IES provided by the Law of Education Guidelines and Bases (LDB) from number 9,394 of 1996, which became the educational environment very competitive, especially with regard to the graduation courses in Business Administration, which had a significant growth in recent years. Higher education is leading to a commercial competition, imposed by forces from the economic development of marketing education. This national reality presents with strength, especially in regions where the need for training of administrators is constant. One example is Joinville, Santa Catarina. In this city, there are currently, according to INEP (2007), five IES, all privates, offering 12 different courses for graduation in Business Administration. The review of literature of this work addresses the attributes for attracting students, the educational quality of services, students satisfaction and students loyalty, main dimensions when the matter is attraction, satisfaction and retention of students. These data were tested empirically through a quantitative descriptive method, with a sectional cross and primary data collection, with a data collection instrument specially developed for this research. It were interviewed, in all IES on Joinville/SC, students who recently entered the degree in administration and students who was completing the course in the year 2007, aiming to identify the most important attributes in the students attractiveness, the best attributes of performance in the evaluation of the educational service quality in IES concerned, the attributes that most meet the students and the most important attributes in the formation of the loyalty of students. Using basic statistics and multiple linear regressions, it see what attributes key attraction of students linked to the market work, in particular the potential employability of the course, the visibility and recognition of IES and of the course towards society. As for the educational service quality, the attributes of better performance are linked to the labour market or the faculty. The key attributes were: quality of the course certificate for the market work, quality of the course that will become benefit the society; quality of the course for the market work; quality of teachers with respect to the competence and content taught in the course; quality of teachers in relation to training, upgrading, practical knowledge, experience, skills to teach and quantity of teachers in the course; quality of teachers with respect to the stimulus of the continuous learning. With regard to the satisfaction of students, the key attributes were: acceptance of students of the course in the market work and in society; potential employability of the course and diversity of career; image of IES in the market work; offering courses by the IES with focus on the market work, on professional learning and on the students. Finally, there is that, in the students loyalty, the key attributes are: perceived value of the course by students and the appreciation of the course in the market work. At the end of this study, it is suggested strategies to capture and retention of students that may be useful to managers of IES


quality education administracao marketing educacional loyalty of students gestão de ies marketing in education ies management students satisfaction marketing - administração; gestão da qualidade total lealdade de estudantes atração de estudantes attraction of students satisfação de alunos qualidade educacional

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