As repercussões do Projeto Veredas na formação de professores do município de João Pinheiro de 2002 a 2005 / The repercussions of the Veredas Project in the formation of the teachers of João Pinheiro town from 2002 to 2005




The teachers formation has been a big defiance to the elaboration of the educational politics of the of the country. Among the actions turned to the initial formation of the teachers work, the Veredas Project-Master formation for teachers-was made by the Stade Secretary of Education in Minas Gerais, aiming to offer master habilitation to the teachers of the first series of the fundamental teach. This dissertation has as the general objective to understand how the knowledge, that the coursing of: Veredas Project had that contributed to their pedagogic pratic their respective classrooms, in the Center of Integral Attention to the children and Adolescents CAIC, in João Pinheiro city. The research was directed by the following especific objectives: analyse the contributions of the Veredas Project to the Center of Integral Attention to the children and Adolescents-CAIC analyse the paper of the initial formation in service to make better the pedagogic practice in classroom; analyse the manner wich the Veredas Project contributed to the professional life of the learners. This comprehension was observed departing from the analyses of the teachers who are coursing Veredas, the tutor, the CAIC director and the ax-prefect of João Pinheiro city. The methodology of the research privileged the qualitative boarding, trough the Study of cases and the use of procediments like the documental analysis, semi-structured interviews questionnaires and participating observation. The dialogues among the teorical apports and the findings of the research was directed in three axle based in LDB number 9394/96, in Vieira (2000), Libâneo (2003), Santos (2005), Freitas (2002) and Veiga (2001, 2002), that permitted to comprehend the politic of the formation of teachers in Veredas Project. In the following axle in the enlightenment of Veiga (2001, 2002), Imbernón (2005), Candau (1991, 2003), Tardif (2000, 2002), Alarcão (2003, 2004), Miranda Salgado (2002), Belloni (2001, Preti (2005), Garcia (1999, 2000), aimed to develop the concepts of the initial formation in service and the distance and its repercussions in the pedagogic pratic. In the third axle ,we aborted the pedagogic pratic , Ghedin (2001,2005), Veiga (1999), Pérez Gómez (1992) Gimeno Sacristán (1998), Vasquez (1997), Zeichner (1992, 2002, 2005).Witch presented in their pratics aspects relatives to the initial formation in service ministred by the Veredas Project. In the actors perception, there was a paradox and defiances in the EaD foreseen in the course. The research permitted to verify that the teachers did in their initial formation and in service an exercise of relating their formation an their pratic in classroom, noticing to witch was proposed by the course: they did triad action-reflexion-action. Finally, we considered that the Veredas Project contributed to the docent professional desenvolvement of the coursing, in measure that significative changes in their docent pratics and their professional posture were related.


initial formation in service docent professional desenvolvement desenvolvimento profissional docente veredas project formação inicial em serviço pedagogic pratic projeto veredas prática pedagógica educacao reflexive professional profissional reflexivo

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