Arte, teologia e morte : interludios Filosoficos entre Franz Kafka e Walter Benjamin / Art, theology and death : philosophicalinterludes between Franz Kafka and Walter Benjamin




This research has as study object two intitled kafkians parts, respectively, of Josefina, the singer or the people of the rats, of 1924, year of the death of the writer, and the posthumous story the Graco hunter, published as narratives of the estate. We search to investigate in these two narratives to the problematic one of the decline of the transcendence forms: synthecized in the art, the theology and the death inside of modernity. Through a reading description-philologycal of these two narratives we search a critical approach with the philosophy of Walter Benjamin, in special with its theory of the narration. The set of these narratives also is analyzed from an reconstitution of the literary and philosophical scene of the kafkians interpretations, such as: the Zionist readings of Max Brod from the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer and Martin Buber, the resonances of the readings of Kafka on Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and, finally, the controversies of Benjamin with Brod and Gershom Scholem, whose funny main reason around a materialistic and allegorically reading of the writer Czech


art arte death morte theology teologia

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