Art, imitation and exercise in Epistulae ad Caesarem / Arte, imitação e exercício nas Epistulae ad Caesarem


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




By enumerating the virtues of the prince and guiding him morally on how to act for the benefit of the whole community, the Epistulae ad Caesarem are faithful to the principles that characterize the orator as uir bonus dicendi peritus. However, the verisimilitude of treatment given to the subject, regarding the danger of civil wars, contributed to deny their artificiality. On the one hand, the analysis in this work will lead a discussion about the educational motivations for urging an emperor to quell civil strife, and on the other hand it will present a definition of these documents\ gender. It intends to demonstrate how they are figurated as an image of deliberative eloquence similar to the truth, written in an embellished language in order to delight an audience. Therefore, not only do they demonstrate the adequate education of the orator but also a diligent study of virtues of the statesman.


prosopopoeia rhetoric latin literature declamação declamation epistolography literatura latina prosopopeia retórica epistolografia

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