âPrevisÃo de incidÃncia de Dengue nas cidades brasileiras atravÃs de InteligÃncia Artificialâ




Dengue fever is a tropical disease that causes high impact in the Brazilian society. This paper presents a method for estimating the incidence level of the disease based on demographic and socio-economic data at the municipality grain. A Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network estimates the risk of high level of incidence and the rules induced by an adapted version of the APriori algorithm give potential explanations for a city having high or low level of incidence. The data were collected in 2002 and refer to around 5500 cities (all Brazilian cities). The results in a statistically independent test set showed high performance in the risk estimates and good quality of the rules induced


ciencia da computacao inteligÃncia artificial redes neurais (computaÃÃo) dengue data mining decision support systems apriori algorithm neural networks saÃde publica dengue

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