AlteraÃÃo bioquÃmica em fator de coagulaÃÃo como causa de trombose venosa profunda â relato de caso clÃnico




Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the pediatric population (0-18 year old) has been reported as lower than in adults. In almost half of the children, three or four risk factors for thrombosis are present simultaneously. Even in children with thromboembolic disturbance, thrombosis did not occur spontaneously; the hemostatic defect became apparent because thrombosis occurred when one or more acquired risk factors were also present. The aim of this work was to study a case of a young man, which at age 13 presented leg deep venous thrombosis, after football play and trauma. Activity of protein C (PC), protein S (PS), antithrombin (AT), lupus anticoagulant, fibrinogen, resistance activated protein C (RAPC), prothrombin time, and activated partial thromboplastin time, in a coagulometer ACL 7000 (IL, Spain) were assayed after informed consent. Factor II (G20210A) and factor V Leiden (FVL) (G1691A) ere searched with a commercial kit for PCR. The patient and his father were heterozygotes for FVL and had RAPC; the mother was unaltered. All other assays were normal. The probability of development of thrombosis is lesser in the FVL carriers that in AT, PC or PS deficiencies. However, the effect of FVL presence associated with another clinical condition tends to increase the relative risk of thrombosis, a multicausal disease. This case report suggests that circumstantial conditions such as football play trauma can act as precipitant of DVT in the young carrier of FVL, the most common polymorphism cause of hereditary thrombophilia


trombofilia hereditÃria defeito hemostÃtico thrombosis hemostatic defect trombose venosa profunda (tvp) distÃrbios tromboembÃlicos trombose thromboembolic disturbance hereditary thrombophilia deep venous thrombosis (dvt) bioquimica

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