A responsabilidade administrativa Ambiental




The development of this study has the examination of certain questions related to the environment with emphasis to the system of application of environmental administrative sanctions and their preceding violations. The present study IDade it possible to identify the multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Law and its elose relation with Administrative Law in arder to reaeh eonelusions related to the administrative liability for the environmental violations. Also was demanded to reveal the nature of goods and interests related to the objeet of this study, environmental and publie in arder to tell them apart. Seientifieally will be aeeosted the fundamental prineiples and the roots of the publie answer to the environmental violations allowing to the faeing of questions about the defense meehanisms that ean be used by the environmental infraetor, the infraetions eonfiguration and the sanetion enforeement. Finally, it was impossible to reaeh the relevant eonelusions and suggestions to improve the administrative responsibility of environmental violations


ilicitos ambientais responsabilidade administrativa -- brasil direito direito ambiental -- brasil

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