Contribuições da ética da responsabilidade para a educação ambiental




The human interference has become extremely dangerous with the great development of the technology. In the 20th century, the technology evolution was a striking characteristic. The possibility of life destruction turned real. The cientific knowledge furnished exaggerated power for some people and politics. The technology conquests, however, brought to the public discussions about ethics. The environmental education appeared during that time. A new ethic in the relationship between the society and the nature would be established. But in a world where the profits are priority the ethic work is not easy to be practiced. The environmental education has appeared in a complex context ? challenges needed to be faced. To analyze its history is important for us to understand the link between environmental and politic issues. We defend the school as a propitious collective place to the practice of the environmental education. For this purpose, however, the finalities must be rethought. The information transmission is necessary, but not enough. It?s fundamental, also, to have the concern about the citizenship. People need to discuss about environment to learn to deliberate. We discuss the development of the modern science and how it contributed to a mechanic view of the world. We also bring the concept of ethics proposed by Hans Jonas for the technological age. We believe these ideas as important reflections for the environmental education, that looks for people worried about present and future lives.


educação ambiental tecnologia e ética meio ambiente - responsabilidade educacional environment education environment - educational accountability tecnology and ethics

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