A produÃÃo de sentidos sobre violÃncia racial no atendimento psicolÃgico a mulheres que denunciam violÃncia de gÃnero




This researchâs goal is to analyze how meanings on racial violence are produced in the psychological treatment of women who report on gender violence within the context of the Maria da Penha Act. Based on the constructionist perspective in social psychology applied towards discourse analyses, I sought to a) identify complaints addressing racial violence among the complaints filed on violence against women; 2) apprehend if (and how) professionals understand the relation between racial and gender violence within the larger context of domestic and family violence against women; and 3) analyze contemporary key documentation in the implementation of anti-gender violence policiesâwhich, in turn, provide guidelines to psychologists (both male and female) working on womenâs services. In methodological terms, I conducted interviews with psychologists working on anti-gender violence in the Greater Recife area, be in preventive measures, intervention or public services. Interviews collected data on whether the psychologistsâ workplaces recorded information on race/color in their reporting and whether, in the cases of gender violence, there were also complaints on racial violence. These interviews also allowed me to identify which documents are more relevant to these professionals as orientation in anti-racism measures and the promotion of race and gender equality policies. In analyzing these documents, I sought to identify the places socially attributed to black women. The analyses also focused on mapping the repertoires produced in the interviews, divided up in four analytical groups: a) whether the item race/color had been recorded; b) the lack of awareness about the relationship between racial and gender violence; c) whether such awareness existed, but interviewees couldnât reference it on an actual case; and d) whether such awareness existed and interviewees could reference it in at least one case in which they appear associated. It was possible to identify several polysemes about identifying women as black and about racial violence, both within a given interview and among different interviewees. I also identified a complex positioning game among interviewees in relation to racial violence and its manifestations. There were different kinds of resistance from them, justified in several ways, when faced with the task of formulating questions about the subject. Guided by the commitment and the compromise of a psychology that answers to social urgencies, I hope this work can make a contribution to the review of psychological practices and their discourses in the face of racial complaints amidst the occurrence of violence against women


psicologia prÃticas psicolÃgicas discoursive practices psychological practices gender mulher negra gÃnero racial violence prÃticas discursivas black women violÃncia racial

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