A prática pedagógica num paradigma inovador no programa de aprendizagem produtos e roteiros turísticos




The present work involved the proposition of a contextualized innovative pedagogical practice in the subject of Tourist Products and Itineraries, using as the instrument of technical visiting as a teaching methodology. There was the option of qualitative research as a participative research in order to achieve the proposed objectives. The breeding of this work involved students of the seventh period of the course of Tourism from PUC-PR, traveling to Serra Gaúcha. The proposal of a methodological approach which attended to the innovative approach in which was done some activities in order to make the subject more productive in a practical experience. For the elaboration of this dissertation some authors were consulted which speak about the paradigms of the contemporary education such as Morin (2003), Mizukami (1986), Moraes (1997), Behrens (1999), Freire (1992), Kuhn (1996), Capra (1996) etc. Authors as Trigo (1998), Rejowski (1996), Dencker (2002) e Barbosa (2002), contributed to the presupposed writers of the Tourism education. The proposed activities gave the students the opportunity of the experience of analyzing how the theory given in classroom can be applied through practical classes, experiencing the proposed situations in the chosen locations. The technical visiting as a innovative methodology gave the student the possibility of the physical/spatial knowledgement of the location, becoming determining in the elaboration of a good-quality itinerary. The work among the students helped the organization of the technical visiting in a organized way, working in groups. In this experience many important aspects were related to tourism, creating several debates between the professor and the students, such as analyzing the location and the presentation of the collected materials, in videos and photos. It is important to say that the visit also gave the students the opportunity to investigate how the theory of many different subjects given in the course were important to this practice. Elements of the subjects of: Tourism General Theory, Travel Agency, Transportation, Accommodation Means, Gastronomy, Leisure, Ecology, Tourism Planning and Organization, Sociology, History, Geography, Events, Economical Analysis, Imaging Techniques, among others; were used in a interdisciplinary way in this approach. It is possible to say that the technical visiting as a methodology, give the opportunity an important learning experience, analyzing the tourism in a conjectured way and developing the critic spirit. Finalizing this research, it is possible to have a methodological innovative and different proposal on teaching Tourism.


ensino superior - dissertações education, higher educacao turismo - estudo e ensino student teaching learning aprendizagem prática de ensino tourism

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