Contribuição do geoprocessamento para a criação de roteiros turísticos nos caminhos de Peabiru-PR




This paper discusses the application of geoprocessing in the creation of a data base and tourist routes, having as its central theme the Peabiru Trail, in COMCAM. At the Pre-Colombian time, the Peabiru Trail used to be a native trail that passed through the South America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, going through Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Paraguay and Bolivia. It had an important role in the formation of the current Paraná territory, because it was used by adventurers, Jesuits, explorers and European settlers. Nowadays, it is rare to find vestiges, however there are cartographic and bibliographic documents that describe its localization and, based on them, the route of the trail was traced on the current Paraná territory. From that spatial localization of the Peabiru Trail, field researches have been carried out in regional level, in the North of COMCAM, to try to gather historic and cultural aspects of the region in order to create a georeferenced data base and SIG-PEABIRU TRAIL IN COMCAM as well. The data base is the basis for the delimitation of peregrination routes, which is an incentive for the development of rural tourism and other related activities. Furthermore, it also subsidizes the decision making of the public power concerning capital investment in this area and the making of maps that help the data spatial analysis and making tourism known in analogical and digital (Internet) ways.


sensoriamento remoto - paraná ecoturismo - paraná sistemas de informação geográfica - ecoturismo - paraná remote sensing geographic information systems ecotourism

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