A gestÃo das organizaÃÃes de terceiro setor sob a perspectiva da eficiÃncia, da efetividade e da reciprocidade




The growth of third sector in contemporary society has been broadly discussed by scholars in the last two decades about how to manage organizations in this area. Some studies consider analysis, adequacy of tools and the establishment of indicators to increase the efficiency of available resources. Despite the increase in demand for best practices in management, most of the Third Sector organizations are human values oriented. In this context, it claims for professional management without lost of its human focus. Thus, the objective of this master dissertation is to analyze how to configure the Third Sector management according to the concepts of efficiency, effectiveness and reciprocity. The study was developed in five formation centers that receive subvention from the Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Social of Prefeitura Municipal de UberlÃndia, Brazil. The methodological procedures were of empirical nature, with a qualitative descriptive character and techniques supported by the case studies analysis. The results point to a probable interaction between economic-financial indicators and human issues. Also there were a relationship between efficiency and effectiveness/reciprocity variables. When efficiency increases the service level and have positive impact in all stakeholders. In this case, since the Third Sector organizations are based in human values, the efficiency indicator analysis must be understood as a maximization to cause best services. The goal is to provide sufficient service level to aims citizens demand, in social area, what could promote a reciprocal relationship of solidary character.


gestÃo reciprocidade efficient eficiÃncia third sector effectivess administracao terceiro setor efetividade management reciprocity

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