A gestÃo das IES privadas e o capital humano dos docentes: a perspectiva da gestÃo do conhecimento




This research project is an exploratory and descriptive study dimming to identify the management patterns of private colleges in Federal District (DF), to analyze them and check the degree of utilization of Human Capital in their managements, considering their organizational purposes. The method adopted in this study is analytical and comparative, part of the confrontation among some colleges due do some determinate indicators. The search adopts a quantitative point of view, aiming to interpret the meaning of the identified phenomena. Based on the principles of Knowledge Management Theory, this work tells about the tool developed by Karl Erick Sveiby (1998) to measure the intangible assets of commercial enterprises and the convergence existing among the indicators of these ones and those found in the instrument of evaluation of DAEâs (Directory of Statistics and Evaluation of Higher Education from Educational Study and Research Institute â INEP). Such instrument entitled Evaluation of Offer Conditions is used by the appraisers ad hoc for the evaluation in loco at Brazilâs colleges. The work heads as well to a revision of literature on the researched purposes and joins topics related to educational market, on studies centralized on the application of tools of Knowledge Management in organizations, in patterns of management applied to colleges and concepts related to knowledge and intellectual capital. The population researched encloses the colleges located in the Federal district. The sample was composed by three colleges, with 50% participation of the managers, for data collecting, and 10% of the total of faculty of each one of these three colleges. The data collecting was done by means of documental analyses, semi structured interviews and questionnaires. The analyses of results signalized that the indicators relative to the evaluation of the teaching XV body/faculty and some related to institutional organization are associated to measuring knowledge and/competence, such as defines the Knowledge Management Theory. It was conceivable that most of the decisions are taken by the managers, but not possible to define management practice of colleges as being peculiar to a single pattern of management. The most significant management characteristics our research identified are those of bureaucratic rational model, although some characteristics of the pattern of organized anarchy, as well the lack of a more appropriate planning from colleges. As to the utilization of Human Capital of the teaching body/faculty, it was possible to find that the colleges, notwithstanding the measures of the Government aiming a constant evaluation of the intangible assets related to the teaching body, they do not use the teacherâs knowledge and experience in their management with the purpose of optimize their resources and reach organizational objective targets, restraining to use them only as an assignment of strict educational practice, predominantly in classrooms.


educacao aÃÃo docente gestÃo de instituiÃÃo de educaÃÃo superior human capital evaluation gestÃo do conhecimento knowledge management capital humano ativos intangÃveis intangible avaliaÃÃo college management assets

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