GestÃo da qualidade x gestÃo do conhecimento: um estudo na CHESF




This research is a study case realized at the SÃo Francisco Hidroeletric Company (CHESF), specifically in the Operation Directorate, with the objective to identify and compare some quality practices based in the Integrated Model of Management proclaimed by the National Public Management Prize, as practices of the knowledge Management identified in concepts, studied and distributed, the main authors of the theme. In order to find a propitious environment to implement the notion of Knowledge Management is interesting that the company has already a quality culture. At CHESF, it was found a fertile research field, considering that the organization has a great intelectual patrimony and one of the first to introduce Total Quality Manegement, on its segment, in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The theoretical references are based in recent literature review of quality and knowledge management. Among the cited items, there are the administration evolution, japanese Total Quality Sistem, ISO, PNQ, Quality in Brazil and some quality prizes about Knowledge Management. The methodology of the study case was the utilization of interviews and analysis of the CHESF Management Annual Reports (1999 to 2003). The writter used her experience and knowledge acquired in four years participating in Quality Programs realized by Federal and PernambucoÂs government to study the collected material. It was evidenced that the CHESFÂs Operation Directorate is advanced in the ISO certificate process, compared with others CHESFÂs Directorates. Moreover, each one of them seem to act independently when it comes to management model, not knowing precisely, whether it is more adequate to a company with its size and importance. It is recommended a Organizational Culture study and the implantation of methodologies for its advancement, whose absence could retard the assimilation of new work practices by the company in the knowledge era


quality programs gestÃo do conhecimento sistemas de qualidade administracao publica aprendizagem organizacional knowledge management learning organization

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