A economia digital e o comÃrcio eletrÃnico : perspectivas para o Estado do MaranhÃo




This paper deals with the Revolution and Technology of Information in their ilimited aplications which based upon technological conceipts modify the economy, so emerging the so called Digital economy. It is also studied the fundamentals and carachterization of that economy. The analyse of differentiation between the traditionand the digital economy is enriched by an approach through the optical of the classical theorits Hal Varian and Carl Shapiro. It is also enprasized the evolution and the influences of the world web of computers . The Internet and its use in the globalization of markets and in the international relations through the publicity on line in the digital commercial structure. It is explanied the eletronic economical process (e-commerce) and its implications. It is contextualized the evidences of the exterior market, both national and local in avaliations based in the history, of the respective economies and of their importances. It is enphasized especially the reality of the maranhense economy, its physical aspects, social-economical and historical ones, and its relations in the economy of today


maranhÃo information new media - internet nova mÃdia - internet tecnologia informaÃÃo brazil brasil electronical commerce economia digital maranhÃo comÃrcio eletrÃnico technology economia digital economy

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