AnÃlise do comÃrcio eletrÃnico (ce) em pequenas e mÃdias empresas (pmes) da regiÃo metropolitana do recife (rmr) â barreiras e obstÃculos




The main purpose of this research is to analyse the electronic commerce on small and medium sized enterprises from RegiÃo Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), observing technological frames (interpretations, beliefs, images or symbols shared and used by people while interacting with technology) that represent barriers and obstacles towards adoption and use of electronic commerce by these enterprises. A literature analysis has demonstrated the predominance of technological determinism as something that patterns society, but is not mutually patterned. The structuration theory, framework of this research, considers the information and communication technologies used by enterprises as social constructions which its configurational, functional and transactional processes reflect interest, values, resources and skills of those who build it. Therefore it is an exploratorial and descriptional research. It is exploratorial once it approaches a specific matter that has not yet been widely studied, needing initial researches in order to structure knowledge. It constitutes a descriptional research once the author observes, reg istrates, analyses and connects facts or phenomenons without manipulations. Datum assessment was done due to use of open questioned interviews, in other words, semi-structured interviews considering six elements: nature of e-commerce; strategy; encouragement forces; inhibition forces; barriers and obstacles; enterprisesâactions. A qualitative approach has been choosed and datum analysis has happened in an intepretative way by the use of content analysis method. Among other research findings, there is evidence that the influence of the technological frames which represent barriers and obstacles to the small and medium sized enterprises from RMR, has caused little significant development or innovational technology activities, specially towards e-commerce. Most of these small and medium sized enterprises, not only avoid investment or substantial risks with technologies that do not bring immediate and guaranteed financial returns, but seem to have a natural trend to delay adoption and use of technological activities until these activities are proved as inevitable or indispensable. This fact has prevailed among the small enterprises. On medium sized enterprises, e-commerce has been noticed as something inevitable, although in many cases, the benefits are not quite clear and mensurable


comÃrcio eletrÃnico pequenas e mÃdias empresas small and medium sized enterprises administracao electronic commerce

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