A desconstruÃÃo da fanfiction: resistÃncia e mediaÃÃo na cultura de massa




This research aims to identify and to analyze the motivations that lead a portion of the mass culture consumers â the fans - to read, write or get any other involvement with the fanfiction phenomenon. This is a particular form to acquire a more active role in the spiral of the culture industry; while producing a fanfiction, fans assume elements of fictional universes that were created and marketed by mass culture professionals. Using their personal parameters, fans are rearranging these original texts and creating new fictions, that are informally redistributed among other fans. This research focuses on Brazilian media culture fans in order to understand how these people profiles are shaped. We selected nine volunteers who wrote fanfictions about six different fictional universes originated by mass culture. We also interviewed these fans by internet and analyze their texts to perceive how their habits and codes emerge, distinguishing this portion of consumers from the rest of the public


cultura pop subculturas comunicacao culture industry subcultures fanfiction fanfiction indÃstria cultural pop culture

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