A Construção de conceitos relacionados com os movimentos Terra-Lua-Sol por alunos da E.J.A. à luz da teoria histórico-cultural / The construction of concepts related with the movements land-moon-sun for pupils of the EJA to the light of the description-cultural theory




Constructing scientific scholar concepts still needs to be better understood. Focusing on Astronomy concepts, researches are still scarce in Brazil, especially those related to Education for Young and Adult Learners (Educação de Jovens e Adultos EJA). This paper goal was to comprehend, through the historic and cultural theory, EJA students construction of concepts related to movements of the Earth-Moon-Sun system, in their interactions with the teacher and schoolmates in the classroom. The research was conducted in an EJA Ensino Médio class at the Application School Federal University of Pará. The class had 19 students, from 16 to 37 years old. The data collection took place during the term semester, beginning with questionnaires. They had open questions about the theme in order to investigate the students previous conceptions. After that, the thematic classes were audio and video recorded. During the classes the students gave explanations for the day-night succession on Earth, individually or in groups spontaneously formed by the students, and then they were reorganized by their teacher. The registers were transcribed and analyzed in a micro-genetic way. The students answers to the initial question about the day-night succession on Earth were categorized in four levels A, B, C and D, from the farthest and the closest scientifically accepted scholar concept. The achieved results showed 13 students made the conceptual profile better, because they migrated from the A, B or C levels to the D one in the answers category, that is, these students understood that the day-night succession was a result of the Earth rotation movement. The other 6 students, already at the level D, kept in that level, although they improved their explanation if we compare their first and last answers. Three students were selected in order to analyze their micro-genetic knowledge construction process. They had their initial written answers classified in A or B levels, and during the interactions with their teacher and the other students, they achieved the scientific discourse elements, giving theoretical explanations to the observed phenomenon. The results show different adjustment mechanisms of Educational help offered by the teacher and the students, they show the importance of a dialogist approach and a work with different group formats in the classroom.


formação de conceito concept formation astronomia - estudo e ensino sun sol ensino de astronomia astronomy teaching teoria histórico-cultural historic and cultural theory educação de jovens e adultos young education of e adult educação de adultos - belém (pa) astronomy - study and teaching educacao de adultos adult education - belem (pa)

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