Formação de conceitos matemáticos na Educação Infantil na perspectiva histórico-cultural




This study was about the formation of mathematics concepts in child education, in historicalcultural perspective, and this is one of the relevant expressions of this work, since the most of publications, actually, is substantiated in assemptions of Piaget. From theoretical concerning are known Vigotsky, Leontiev, Elkonin and Davydov works. The inquiring procedure adopted to investigate how preschool child may appropriate of mathematics concepts, was based in development of education proposal from Davydove. The research consisted in accomplishment and attendance of a didatic - formative test, in 2009 for four months (May, June, August and September), in an institution of child education, from Public education of Silvânia, Goiás State. There were twenty children and they were about five years old. The purpose was to attend the development process of mental formations coming from the development of the teaching plan drawn up by the teacher and searcher of the group. The research procedures included: a) Pedagogical practice observation, seeing the interection between teacher and children and between children and pairs; b)Analysis of children productions; c)Interviewing the teacher; d)The analysis of the evidence of the mothers, about their children development, to confirm the collected news about the learning of those children. The results showed that the children got, in a satisfactory level, to appropriate of "number concept".


educação infantil conceitos matemáticos teoria histórico-cultural atividade principal experimento didático-formativo educacao child education mathematics concepts historical-cultural theory main activity experiment didatic-formative

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