Voltas meta-enunciativas e inscrição do sujeito na escrita na lingua estrangeira




This research investigates the practice of authorship in writing English as a Foreign Language and the theoretical and methodological basis that provides a transdisciplinary articulation between the concepts of Applied Linguistics and those of Discourse Analysis; this presupposes a psychoanalytical conception of subjectívity. The fundamental hypothesis is that the use and practice of "boucles réflexives" (repetitions of previous affirmations in a linear chain of speech - Authier-Revuz, 1995), and an awareness of the effects of these devices on (the) meaning, will modify the conditions of production in pedagogic discourse in English language writing classes, facilitating the mobilization of the subject in exercising hislher capacity of authorship, i.e., providing the leamers with the opportunity of accepting their own functions as enunciators of points of view that involve the issue of responsibilíty for what is saído. We worked with the notion of a divided, polyphonic and unintentional subject, without complete control of hislher discourse and with the conception of language as interdiscourse heterogeneously constituted (M. Pêcheux, 1990). The textual production of second year university students enrolled in the discipline of Writing Practice Y as collected for the period of one academic year. The class was divided into two subgroups according to class performance in the first semester. One subgroup was taught some basic "boucles" considered to be useful for written production and linguistic knowledge, to see whether these conditions of . production and the practice of "boucles" would lead to better compositions, whether the leamers would take the risk of producing more text, i.e., if they would accept the challenge and, despite their limited linguistic knowledge, whether these devices would facilitat the process of inscription in the second language (Serrani-Infante, 1997). The result of the research showed meaningful alterations in imaginary formations, with the students becoming participants in changes; the procedure situates the teacher as researcher, and the classroom as the location of challenges and discoveries. Modifications observed in the textual productions of the students (apprentice writers) were encouraging and suggested that:, a) it is possible to devise valid strategies to improve both written production of foreign language students and the curriculum for writing instruction; b) among these strategies are "boucles", which represent a new and exciting way of fumishing the apprentice writer with the possibility of inscribing himlherself in the foreign language, developing functions of authorship, that propitiate the construction of an imaginary in which the enunciator is more and more truly responsible for what he/shesays (for what is said).This research investigates the practice of authorship in writing English as a Foreign Language and the theoretical and methodological basis that provides a transdisciplinary articulation between the concepts of Applied Linguistics and those of Discourse Analysis; this presupposes a psychoanalytical conception of subjectívity. The fundamental hypothesis is that the use and practice of "boucles réflexives" (repetitions of previous affirmations in a linear chain of speech - Authier-Revuz, 1995), and an awareness of the effects of these devices on (the) meaning, will modify the conditions of production in pedagogic discourse in English language writing classes, facilitating the mobilization of the subject in exercising hislher capacity of authorship, i.e., providing the leamers with the opportunity of accepting their own functions as enunciators of points of view that involve the issue of responsibilíty for what is saído. We worked with the notion of a divided, polyphonic and unintentional subject, without complete control of hislher discourse and with the conception of language as interdiscourse heterogeneously constituted (M. Pêcheux, 1990). The textual production of second year university students enrolled in the discipline of Writing Practice Y as collected for the period of one academic year. The class was divided into two subgroups according to class performance in the first semester. One subgroup was taught some basic "boucles" considered to be useful for written production and linguistic knowledge, to see whether these conditions of . production and the practice of "boucles" would lead to better compositions, whether the leamers would take the risk of producing more text, i.e., if they would accept the challenge and, despite their limited linguistic knowledge, whether these devices would facilitat the process of inscription in the second language (Serrani-Infante, 1997). The result of the research showed meaningful alterations in imaginary formations, with the students becoming participants in changes; the procedure situates the teacher as researcher, and the classroom as the location of challenges and discoveries. Modifications observed in the textual productions of the students (apprentice writers) were encouraging and suggested that: a) it is possible to devise valid strategies to improve both written production of foreign language students and the curriculum for writing instruction; b) among these strategies are "boucles", which represent a new and exciting way of fumishing the apprentice writer with the possibility of inscribing himlherself in the foreign language, developing functions of authorship, that propitiate the construction of an imaginary in which the enunciator is more and more truly responsible for what he/shesays (for what is said)


lingua estrangeira analise do discurso escrita

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