Vivências e expectativas de familiares cuidadores quanto ao uso de tecnologia assistiva (Sistema Auxilis) : um estudo psicológico = Experiences and expectations for family caregivers as to use assistive technology (Auxilis System): a psychological study / Experiences and expectations for family caregivers as to use assistive technology (Auxilis Syste : a psychological study


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The family has an important role socialization and fundamental to the formation of the first affective ties to the development of learning and the constitution of the subject preparing him for life. The quality of interactions is related to emotional adjustment and behavior of each one in the family dynamics that may contribute to the perception of its strengths and difficulties. Features such as the Assistive Technology (AT) favor the autonomy, functional independence and social and family interactions, facilitate access to education and work, can be applied in various contexts by improving the quality of life of the user. This study aimed to understand the characteristics of family members of people with severe motor impairment and their expectations regarding the use of the AUXILIS System. The research included a qualitative sample of six family members previously selected to participate in the AUXILIS Project, CTI/MCT, four mothers and two grandmothers aged 38 and 57 years who performed the role of primary caregiver for their children and grandchildren severe motor impairment with and without the possibility of using conventional computer due to physical limitations. The recording of information was in one of the partner institutions of the AUXILIS Project through semistructured interviews recorded and transcribed. The data were grouped into four thematic categories and analyzed according to the technique of content analysis. The expectations presented regarding the use of assistive technology developed in information technology refers to the desire that the child/grandchild develop communication and independence, improve self-esteem and acquire or enhance social skills and school. Uncertainty regarding the ability of children/grandchildren in resource use, the possibility of them becoming fully independent, the possibility of frustration these family expectations, feelings of guilt and the search for repair were also present in the reports.


equipamentos de auto-ajuda tecnologia da informação família qualidade de vida self-help devices information technology family quality of life

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