ValidaÃÃo de Metodologia analÃtica para matÃria-prima e produto acabado contendo Stryphnodendron adstringens (Martius) Coville




Medicinal plants constitute the basis of heath care systems in many societies. Stryphnodendron adstringens (Martins) Coville, popularly known as âbarbatimÃoâ, âibatimÃâ, âparicaranaâ and âcasca-da-virgindadeâ, is a native brazilian tree, widely used in folk medicine and acurrs in high density in many localities os central Brazil. Although its ample popular use, studies were only recently carried through to investigate its famacological activities. S. adstringens showed a very diversified biological potential as antimicrobials, antiinflamatory and cicatrisatory. These activities were attributed to tannin in the plants. The stem bark of âbarbatimÃoâ contains at least 20% of tannins. The present work was carried through in intention to validate the analytical methodology for S. Adstringens stem bark, by spectrophotometric method in the visible band. This work was carried through in accordance with the Resolution RE NÂ 899, of May 29th of 2003 of the National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance (ANVISA) that regulates phytotherapic products. The method used in this work is considered as a new method, due not consisting in official compendiums, beyond of that, it was validated according to the current legislation. The equation of the straight line, gotten in the study of validation of analytical methodology for the determination of tannin concentration, was y = 0,0769 X + 0,0136, with R2 = 0,9982. The parameters robustness, precision, specificity, detection and quantifying limits were statistically evaluated with reliable interval of 95% (test t of student, ANOVA). The loss analysis, for the extrative process by turbo-extration, also was sudied. The developed spectrophotometric method was specific, linear, precise, exact, reprodutive and robust. With this study we expected to contribute for the adequate quality control of phytotherapic products of Stryphnodendron adstringens


validaÃÃo farmacia stryphnodendron adstringens taninos fitoterÃpicos stryphnodendron adstringens phytotherapic tannins validation

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