UtilizaÃÃo do Fluxograma de Processo para DiagnÃstico e integraÃÃo da Cadeia LogÃstica Supply Chain Management / Use of the Flowchart of Process for Diagnosis and integration of the Logistic Chain Supply Chain Management




The management of the logistic chain and the supply chain management means the complete integration between all the partners and processes involved, main objective followed by many companies that have searched increasing competitiveness on aggressive markets. However , since it does not have standard to be followed that integrates its logistic chain, the company must before everything, change itself from a vertical type organization to a horizontal one , making all of its areas and processes work synchronized , biggest challenge that has been faced. Among this scenario , this work intends to show , through simulation , that the use of a Process Flow enables the correct diagnosis on the actual stage of the chain, adjusting the Product Flow and information, identifying the tasks that do not add value on the chain , as well as the changes needed to restructure the activities. This has been evidenced through the micro process analysis, where the company take actions to optimize the Critical Patch , generating value on the logistic chain , reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction


ciclo de produÃÃo cadeia chain of valor cadeia logÃstica ciclo of production logÃstica engenharia de producao cadeia de valor

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