UtilizaÃÃo de complexo enzimÃtico exÃgeno em raÃÃes para leitÃes desmamados entre 7 a 10 kg de peso / Use of exogenous enzyme complex in rations for piglets weaned between 7 and 10 kg of weight




Evaluating the effect of the addition of a multienzyme complex containing α-galactosidase, galactomanase, β-glucanase to diets prepared on the basis of corn and soybean meal as basic feedstuffs for piglets weaned between 7 and 10 kg was intended. The experiment was conducted in the Animal Science Department of the Federal University of Lavras â UFLA, Lavras-MG. 60 piglets of both sexes, crossbreds of the Landrace x Large White cross in the weight range varying from seven to ten kg of live weight. In each experimental unit were housed three animals of same weight range, not separated by sex (now two males and one female, now two females and one male), utilizing the randomized block design with five treatments ad four repetitions. Four levels of the enzyme complex corresponding to 0.00 (control); 0.01; 0.02; 0.03 and 0.04% added to the diet were utilized. The piglets performance was evaluated through the daily average feed intake (CRMD), daily average weight gain (GPMD), fed conversion (FC), liver weight (PF) and pancreas weight (PP) and diarrhea incidence (ID). No significant differences (P>0.05) were found for any of the evaluated parameters.


suplemento alimentar animal nutrition enzimas food supply suÃno enzymes swine nutriÃÃo animal zootecnia

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