The protection of the environment in the Constituição Federal, the Estatuto da Cidade and the law of the Plano Diretor / A proteção do meio ambiente na Constituição Federal, no Estatuto da Cidade e na Lei do Plano Diretor




This paper has as its theoretical basis a study of Urban Law and Environmental Law, based on the Federal Constitution and the Statute of the City. It aims to serve as a foundation, via the Urban Planning Law, for urban/environmental management within Brazilian cities. The study begins with the constitutional bases of the judicial branches and then touches on the constitutional principles, from which the principle of the social function of property is chosen as the intersection point between the branches of Urban Law and Environmental Law. The work presents a chapter about the study of constitutional competences in order to justify the duties of the City. In this chapter it was confirmed that as far as urban law is concerned, the City must promote proper territorial ordainment through planning and control of utilization, parceling and occupation of urban soil (Section 20, VIII, CF), as well as promote the development of an urban policy, through the elaboration of an Urban Planning (Section 182, CF). The City must legislate on questions of environmental preservation due to its local interest and supplement federal and state laws, whenever appropriate. According to Federal Law 10.257/01, referred to as the Statute of the City, there has been a determination to solidify an Urban Policy directed towards the development and planning of the city, by means of an Urban Planning, as well as to demand the presence of legal instruments concerning the environment, in order to compose a set of rules for Brazilian cities to follow and in favor of an urban/environmental management of its territory. Thus, the Urban Planning must contain guidelines for environmental legislation and protection. Special attention must be reserved for the promotion of community participation in the management of the cities. As a principle of Urban Law and Environmental Law, community participation brings to the thematic discussion the most interested and main object of legal protection: mankind. The duty to preserve the environment, embedded in Section 225 of the Federal Constitution and encumbered upon the Public Power and society, may only be established when the society is legitimately included in the processes of community participation. In that sense, the Urban Planning is a legal instrument in favo r of the concretization of environmental preservation, of participatory management, and of the sustainable development of the cities


direito ambiental -- brasil statute of the city direito urbanistico -- brasil plano diretor urban planning environmental law federal constitution politica urbana -- brasil estatuto da cidade urban law direito brasil [constituicao (1988)]

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