The "meia-cara": liberated African people in São Paulo at 19th century / Os meia-cara: africanos livres em São Paulo no século XIX




This research aims the liberated Africans who had been under the State guard, serving on the province of São Paulo public institutions. The main subject of this research is the analysis of diverging relationship between liberated African and the State, realizing the different meanings of "public tutorship" for both parts. Aware of their singular condition, liberated African faced the public authorities as free individuals, which was clearly against their tutors practice. For public administrators, liberated African shouldnt be unaware of the slavery logic, and this is why all "protection" by means of tutorship was related to a perspective of slavery maintenance. Trying to investigate liberated Africans daily opposition to tutorship, we could disclose strong links of brotherhood kept among them, as well as the preservation of a common historic experience memory, often sketched since the atlantic traverse. Therefore, our approach is focused on the comprehension of liberated Africans as historical individuals, deepened into slavery relationship and acting to oppose latent slavery. Because we suspected that their presence in the 1800s was more active and effective than pointed out by the public administrators speech, our challenge is on restoration of experience lived by them. By focusing that population so, we aim to get an analysis of their historical experience as workers under the tutorship of public institutions in São Paulo.


são paulo. tutorship tutela africanos livres slavery emancipação são paulo. emancipation liberated african escravidão

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