The meanings and directions of art the formation of teachers / Os significados e sentidos da arte na formação de professores




This thesis is resulted of an analysis of the directions and meanings of teachers concerning the importance of art in its education, searching in the theory sustentation for the boarded concepts of this area of knowledge. To clearly define the intent of this research, find significant ways in the work with the art, it was looked to raise questionings on the influence of this area of knowledge in the teachers training, process, promoting a rescue of values and objectives, and searching to understand the meanings attributed by teachers, to pedagogical actions related to art-education. The work was carried out with teachers of the Municipal System of Education of São Paulo, imbedid in a Special Program of Teachers Preparation, PEC/Formação, carried through between 2003/2004. The teachers envolved in the research work in childhood education - Municipal School of childhood Education - in a suburb of São Paulo city. The choice of these teachers was motivated by the possibility to congregate some participants of the course who work in the same school. Purposelly, to interview them and spoon stories of experience after the ending of the course brought an important characteristic for data analysis, taking into account that what was collected about meanings and related to art-education for the teachers, seems to be significant of what occurred in the teaching training course. Searching for more evidence to the topir of this research, it was also carried through, for data collection documentary analysis of printed material of the course, to understand the methodology pedagogical choices. From the research data and theoretical analyses, it came evident: the possibility to demonstrate that the art is an area of the knowledge that can be incorporated by any person, since appropriate conditions are given, and full of this knowledge the teacher will be able to develop a visual perception of the world and to construct a critical perspective in the exercise of his citizenship and his profession


education professores -- formacao profissional arte -- filosofia art arte formação de professores educação educacao continuada formation psicologia educacional

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