The Game of Life: uses and meanings / O jogo da vida: uso e significações




This dissertation proposes a historical reflection on board games, more specifically two games named "Game of Life". The first game is located in the MEB/FEUSP (Museum of Education and Toys / College of Education at the University of São Paulo) and was conceived by the Congregação das Missionárias Reparadoras do Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Catholic Congregation of the Repairing Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) in 1945. The second was commercialized by the national toy factory Estrela in 1980. Taking both games as objects of history, the conception of game, educational game, ludic culture and their relation with education, materiality and immateriality of these objects and their presence along the history were discussed. The Game of Life of the Catholic Congregation led to the search of its origin, creation and usage, by the heritage of LABRIMP/MEB FEUSP (Toy Laboratory at the University of São Paulo), the Royal Portuguese Cabinet of Reading, the School Archive Caetano de Campos and the Theological Institute Pio XI. Another way to compose this story was to find the donor of the Catholic Game of Life to MEB, the teacher Heloisa Prestes Monzonni. On this way, two further objects used in the protestant education were incorporated to the research: the picture The Broad and the Narrow Way and the book The Pilgrim. These objects led us to the heritage of the Methodist Church of Guaratinguetá with the purpose of recovering briefly their origin, presence and usage in the children education. The background is the discussion about the possibility that they inspired the creation of the educational games. The ludic objects studied opened the dialog with the religious education of the first half of the XX century and the adoption of playing, of toys and games as pedagogical strategies in this context. The Game of Life of Estrela is a secondary branch to contrapose the practices and production that involve the educational games in the XX century. Our partners on the way of this game/research were: Kishimoto, Brougère, Rabecq-Mallaird, Pennick, Bell, Mehl, Ginzburg, Hilsdorf, Callois, Huizinga, Manson, Bakhtin, among others. The journey through this work made us reflect about the relationship of adults and children with the educational games, the ludic culture, the learning of the referred culture by the children, and about the role of adults in inserting and implementing the children ludicity.


children século xx jogos education educational games crianças jogos educativos history educação games xx century história

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