The continued formation of the virtual educator: epistemological coherence and ecology of linguistic knowing / A formação continuada do educador virtual: coerência epistemológica e ecologia do saber lingüístico




This thesiss intent to analyse an experience of continued formation virtual educators course. It was nominate as a qualitative experience of action research associated with the content analysis method (CA) and pairing technique. The study was organized in two aspects: The first is a descriptive plan of a free course on Methodology and Language Teaching a collaborative experience in virtual environment, the TelEduc by the tutor. The second plan an analytical-reflexive plan focusing specific and general contradictions in interactions between planning and operating, technology and application, and theory and practicing in the course, that becaming research object, by categories. The categories of analysis takes its source from the principles of complexity, self-organization and dialogy and were distributed to the treatment of emergencies and contradictions in the interaction of technology and course management; to understand the incoherences of dynamic by interpretation the forums discourses; to investigate the linearity and non-linearity between theory and practice in teaching methodology in action. In doing the research, the coordinator and course tutor had to make an "exotopic" movement to be a researcher in order to synthetise, not conclusively, about his learning, to propose a base of open plan for a curriculum of continuing education in virtual environment based on complex dialogic pedagogy to and in action methodology


ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem continuing education formação continuada ecology of language ecologia da linguagem ciências humanas professores -- formacao profissional virtual environment of learning educacao continuada epistemological coherence coerência epistemológica

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