The baby, its upbringing, education and care in the discourse of middle class mothers / O bebê, sua educação e cuidado em discursos de mães de camadas médias




This doctoral thesis is linked with the Center of Studies of Gender, Race and Age (Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero, Raça e Idade NEGRI) of the postgraduate studies program in Social Psyhcology from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), as part of the collective research project which focus on the discourse made by adults about their babies, their upbringing, education and care. This thesis objective is to describe and interpret the discourse of eight mothers of babies, professionally active, with a university degree, belonging to the urban middle class and living in the city of São Caetano do Sul, in the state of São Paulo, about the baby and their perception of what they consider adequate methods od upbringing, education and care not only for their own children, but also for other babies. We assumed that, in the interviewees discourse, the perception of the small child as fragile, immature and dependent would prevail. This view links the baby, first and foremost or exclusively, to the domestic realm, sustaining its invisibility in the social level and in public context, making it difficult for its rights for education to be completely fulfilled by the policies of education of children ages 0-3. We adopted the theoretical approaches offered by the new studies on childhood, which attempt to break away from the adult-centered and naturalizing concepts, as well as the academic production of the French researchers Bloch and Buisson (1998,1999), on the process of choice of couples of methods of child upbringing and education, analyzed by them, from the perspective of relations between generations as well as gender relations. Based on the use of content analysis techniques we present the results, which confirm our initial hypothesis, around five interpretative axles: the interviewees social contexts; perceptions of the baby and the toddler; methods of upbringing, education and care for babies; the government and the society s responsibilities; and aspects related to the relations between generations


educação infantil infancia childhood creche education of children ages 0-3 maes -- psicologia psicologia social day care center bebê mae e lactente upbringing baby educacao de criancas

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