Os filhos que escolhemos: discursos e praticas da adoção em camadas medias




This dissertetation intends to describe the conceptions which guide the offspring’sconstitution by means of adoption im mean layers. It’s investigated the basis that ground the choice of the children’s profile to be adopted and what the bilieves about kinship and filiation social bonds’ construction are clears in the adoption. It’s explored the place engaged by biologic family in the adoptions parents’ and adoption aspirants’ imaginary and their apprehensions with the children’s origin. Two São Paulo’s upland adoption support organizations created by adoptive parents were researched. They share among self their adoptives experiences and it partition with interesteds persons in to adopt that look for them. Adoptives parents’ and adoption aspirants’ meets were observed associated itervew with adoption support groups’ voluntaries, so at the analises of the informatives, folders and books that circulate among involveded organizations in to produce discussions about theme. For some, the adoption is solution for infantile social problems and for outher adoption is solution offsping’s privation, but in it prevail the want to imitate the biology. Same recognizing the company, friendship, love and union that characterize and give mean to family while value, the adoption aspirants prefer younger children and with phisics charateristcs alike themselves, in an clear attitude to reproduce of way faithfuler possible the experience that they would have if they had generated a child.


adoção grupos de apoio a adoção infancia

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