Television Images and Teaching of History: Social Representations and Historical Knowledge / Imagens televisivas e ensino de História: representações sociais e conhecimento histórico




This research had as goal the understanding of the forms for which the use of the images in movement (of movies and televising) in the lessons of History can intervene with the construction of the historical knowledge of the pupils of Average Ensino by means of possible alterations in its set of social representations. For in such a way, a methodology was developed specifically for this research from the union of History methods, Ethnographic resources, participant research, concepts of social representations and decupagem (division), used for the cinema and the television. The initiative looked for to contribute with answers to the doubts of the professors of History on the validity of the use of films and series of television (media products consisting of images in movement), searching to evidence alternatives of practical work, in classroom, that can contribute for the improvement of the Didactics of History.


communication cinema educação ensino teaching história mídia cinema education media history comunicação

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