Technological innovation and regional growth in Brazil / InovaÃÃo tecnolÃgica e crescimento regional no Brasil




The main focus of this paper is to provide better empirical comprehension of the income differential among brazilian regions. In the scope of the endogenous growth models framework, recent theoretical debates have relied on neo-schumpeterian models where technological innovation has launched strong evidence toward positive externalities on growth. Spillovers of ideas are measured through Econometric models, spatially across regions, in the process of generating externalities. Two distinct conclusions were drawn from the results. First, there is evidence of a strong feedback in the R&D toward spillover over time with increasing returns in production. Second, it is verified a significant regionally positive spillover effect, which indicates that the inovation is to complement among regions, in the process of regional distribuition of the ideias.


regional growth inovaÃÃo tecnologica crescimento regional function of production of ideas economia funÃÃo de produÃÃo de idÃias technological innovation

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