Teacher-student relationship: contributions for teaching mathematics. / A relação professor - aluno: contribuições para o ensino da matemática.




This study follows the line of research University, Teaching and Teacher Training. With the objective of investigating the teacher-student relationship, we considered the diverse aspects that permeate this relationship in the area of Mathematics. In order to understand how this relationship was constructed, concepts about teaching Mathematics were studied with the intention of helping comprehend the actual moment and treatment of the principal aspects inherent to the teacher-student relationship. The participants in the study were four teachers of fundamental and middle education and twenty future teachers who are concluding Teacher Training in Mathematics. They responded to a questionnaire containing open and closed questions relative to various aspects that make up the teacher-student relationship. The comments of the teachers and future teachers emphasize related aspects and describe the importance of the theme for the activity of teaching. Results of the study emphasized aspects like discipline, affectivity, the authority of the teacher and the ensemble of technical and pedagogical knowledge of the teacher for the teacher-student relationship. The study further revealed the importance of the theme for the work of the teacher and also the need for this to be worked on in teacher training and continued education of teachers, principally in the area of Mathematics.


formação de professores ensino de matemática teaching docência relação professor-aluno educacao teacher training teaching mathematics teacher-student relationship

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