Surrealismo Jurídico : a invenção do Cabaret Macunaíma : uma concepção emancipatória do Direito / Marta Regina Gama Gonçalves




The present research had as its aim to investigate the conditions of a conception of emancipation law. In this direction, reflections were made concerning the imaginative institution of society, the institutions of modern societies, as well as the possibility of Law assisting men (and their societies) in the construction of autonomy and singularity processes from the shift of vision from a rationalist world towards one that is more sensible, dionysiac, surrealist, and carnivalized. Reflections about these issues were performed from the perspective of Cornelius Castoriadis, Félix Guattari, Michel Maffesoli, and Luis Alberto Warat . Finally, aesthetic-poetic practices from the Art and Law Research Group from the University of Brasilia have been examined, specially the pedagogic-existential repercussions of the Macunaíma Cabaret space the leading research and extension project of the mentioned group.


direito direito surrealismo jurídico emancipação

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