SobrevivÃncia e crescimento larval do camarÃo marinho Litopenaeus vannamei alimentado com o copÃpodo bentÃnico Tisbe biminiensis




The production of Artemia cysts not always reaches the increasing demand of aquaculture. Thus, alternative diets need to be tested. The first objective was to investigate the effect of different concentration of Tisbe biminiensis copepod offspring in the ingestion rate of Litopenaeus vannamei larvae and to estimate the best concentration to feed them. The second objective was to evaluate the survival and growth of larvae fed on Tisbe biminiensis copepod offspring in comparison to those fed on Artemia sp. The experiments conditions were seawater of salinity 31-33 were at 25-30ÂC and at the photoperiod of 13h light/11 h dark. The ingestion rate experiment tested larvae in the mysis (M) 2 and 3 stages and postlarvae (PL) 1, 3, 5 and 7. Four copepod offspring concentrations were tested as well as controls without larvae. Besides, controls using Artemia nauplii as food were also used to assess the physiological condition of larvae Two performance tests were made. In the first larvae at the stage M 1 were reared in 5 l conic bottom flasks with aeration at initial density of 60 l-1. In the second one, PL 2 were reared in 1 l flat bottom flasks with aeration at initial density of 65 l-1. Level replacement of Artemia nauplii by copepod offspring were: 0% (control), 50% (T1) and 100% (T2). The best concentration of copepods was about 5 copepod ml-1 for M 2 and 3, but the low values of ingestion rates suggested that copepods may only be used as a food complement in this stage. In postlarval stages, the best concentration was about 10 copepod ml -1 for PL 1 to 3 and 20 copepod ml-1 for PL 5 to 7. In the first performance test the survival was not significantly different among treatments, although a high mortality occurred during the first 24 h. In the second one the survival was not significantly different in the T2 (40 %) and T1 (37%) treatments but it was significantly smaller in the control (18%). The larval growth was not significantly different among treatments in both tests. As conclusion, the offspring of T. biminiensis copepod is a potential live food item to be used in larviculture of L. vannamei, though another performance test must be made


larvicultura litopeneus vannamei litopeneus vannamei copepod shrimp larviculture copÃpodo camarÃo anatomia animal

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