Sistema dogmÃtico do direito internacional penal:anÃlise da natureza dos elementos conceituaisdo crime à luz da jurisdiÃÃo penal internacional




The present work takes on the provocative subject of international crimes by the analysis of the typical elements of common law, i. e, actus reus and mens rea, respectively the material and the mental element, in prejudice of the civil law tradition: wrongdoing, absence of justification and culpability. It indicates the different terminologies of international criminal law, its history, sources and recent developments. It discusses the types of criminal jurisdiction â international, national and internationalized â until the establishment of International Criminal Court. It presents the common law system, with special attention to the criminal law, that crime can be split into actus reus (the prohibited act or conduct) and mens rea (the state of mind which must be established to have existed at the time of the offence). It analyses the concept of international crime and it searches the international crimes namely in the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, in light of legal international criminal law dogmatic. In conclusion, with the decisionâs analysis of the United Nations ad hoc Tribunals, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), identifying the application of actus reus and mens rea by these international criminal courts


direito common law direito internacional penal international criminal law common law international crimes crimes internacionais

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