Síntese e caracterização de pós de fosfato tricálcio-β e de hidroxiapatita: elaboração de bifásicos HA/TCP-β para aplicações como substituto ósseo / Synthesis and characterization of powders of β -Tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite: elaboration of HA/β -TCP biphasic for applications as bone substitute




The treatments of bone loss are current topics of research. The materials that stand out in the treatments of reconstruction and formation of new bone tissue, are the hydroxyapatite, the α and/or β calcium phosphates, and biphasic hydroxyapatite / α  and/or β calcium phosphate. It is known from literature that these biomaterials have mineralogical composition similar to bone apatite of the human skeleton. The microand nanostructured biphasic bioceramics have been studied and they are promising in the procedures of reconstruction and tissue regeneration. This is due to their characteristics and properties, especially the biocompatibility, high surface area of grains and micro-porosity, which leads to improved conditions within of the processes of osseoindução, osseointegration of bone tissue and the formation of new bone tissue early. These biomaterials are still promising in applications such as anatomic remodeling, in the facial aesthetics dentin, increasing the angle of the jaw, in the treatment of fractures in patients with osteoporosis, and in the treatment of the traumatology. This work was aimed at the synthesis and characterization of compositions beta-tricalcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, that previously was synthesized compositions of phosphates in ratio Ca / P = 1.6 and 1.7 molar by the wet method. The powder recovered from the synthesis was dried in a rotary evaporator and subsequently calcined at 900 C/2h for obtain beta-tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite phase. After, there was the preparation of for biphasic hydroxyapatite / beta-tricalcium phosphate 60% / 40% by volume, by the method of fragmentation mechanical in attrition milling. The characterization studies were performed using the techniques X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Studies were performed in vivo and humans for analysis of bone formation.


ceramica bifásicos nanoestrutura, microestrutura hidroxiapatita fosfato tricálcio-β

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