Semear educação e colher saúde: 1 Congresso Nacional de Saúde Escolar (São Paulo1941)




This research has the purposes of analyzing the relationship between health and education in the 1920‟s and 1940‟s, and identifying the official speeches of the Vargas government and speeches used by physicians and educators in relation to health and pertaining to school health during the periodization proposed. To understand the role that the physician had for the educational and sanitary policy of the Vargas government were used as primary sources the annals of the 1 National Congress of School Health. Such event had the participation of 1.264 professionals, representatives, mainly, of the medical-educational environment. One of the purposes of the Congress was to reunite experts at the subject, which was fully reached by the number of participants. It is possible to identify by means of the analysis of the reports that the school was, for doctors and educators, a place of basic importance for the broader training of the students, in which the physical, moral and psychic aspects should be addressed. This integral education, therefore, did not fit only to the professor, since the doctor was the professional who owned the expertise to take care of the physical and, why not, moral health of the student. By these aspects, at accepting that the 1 National Congress of School Health was a space of convergence of medical and educational subjects, it can be understood the physicians as specialists who used their knowledge and occupied the social condition of intellectual specialists (Bobbio, 1997), engaged professionals and social protagonists (Sirinelli, 2003)


educacao saúde e educação saúde escolar médicos e educadores health and education school health doctors and educators

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