Selection index using simulated data of Nile tilapia / Índice de seleção utilizando dados simulados de tilápias do Nilo




This thesis intends to demonstrate the existence of significant differences on the selection index when calculated at each generation and for both sex separately. For this purpose, the indexes were calculated using simulated data of heights and weights of sexually developed Nile tilapias. The simulation was made with two heritabilities for each characteristic (0,2 and 0,4 for weight and 0,3 and 0,5 for height) and with different pleiotropic effects (30, 50, 70%). A base population of 500 males and 500 females was simulated with a positive correlation between the characteristics. The females potential was limited as 80% of the males potential, for both characteristics. The initial population of 10 males and 100 females was random selected from base population. Ten fry, sex balanced, were random selected from each female. The simulation was made for 10 generations, 10 times for each generation. The first selection index was calculated with sex separation considering weight and height (b1 and b2 for males and b1 and b2 for females). A second index was established, using the same parameters, but sex was included in calculations. Different weights were used for each of the analyzed characteristics. These weights were stipulated considering the interest of each characteristic.


genetica e melhoramento dos animais domesticos genética tilápia genesys breeding genesys melhoramento genético tilapia genetics

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