Saber de ExperiÃncia Feito e Conhecimento CientÃfico no Processo de produÃÃo do Saber Apropriado: a expeirÃncia da associaÃÃo de pequenos produtores de PoÃo Fundo/MG. / Wisdom containing experience and scientific Knowledge in the output of learning process: the experience of the small growers from PoÃo Fundo, in MG.




Introduction: This study deals with the production process of familiar farmersâ proper knowledge. This bases upon the central goal in analyzing the production process of familiar farmers in social and cultural relationships between the scientific knowledge and the common sense wisdom. Specifically, we search for : (1) analyzing the production process and the common sense; (2) analyzing the assessment and control carried out by the farmers regarding the scientific knowledge; (3) analyzing knowledge production gestated by the farmers in several everyday social and cultural relationship. We carried out a research of ethnographic character in which we set up a narrow closeness to the farmers in their residences, farming and their meetings in the small growers association from PoÃo Fundo and in the familiar farming cooperative from PoÃo Fundo, MG, and region. The proper knowledge is produced and consolidated within spaces for exchanging experiences as the farming, local area groups and area representatives groups; there the exchange of experiences from farmer to farmer is the validated dynamic that best favors the proper knowledge production. In that, the experimentation procedures, the assessment results and risks are heard, discussed, tested; therefore, the wisdom is shared in a relation among similar or in horizontal ones. The exchange of experience occurs at a local level, and also when those farmers leave the town for sharing their experiences and know other ones or, even when welcome groups and people from other areas both in Brazil and in the world. It is a matter of a dialogic and permanent teaching and learning process. The farming is in al put together, comprising simple and complex learning relationships; in those, the land and plants teach and the social subjects learn and teach, simultaneously. This is a way of living and see the world which discard through the by the modern science; the division between common sense and science, required divided. We consider it is a matter of emancipation common sense through the and a possibility of experience for using the knowledge carefully: those are the proper knowledge farming.



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