PrÃticas de escrita e formaÃÃo docente: da produÃÃo textual cotidiana à construÃÃo do artigo cientÃfico




The present research has objectified describing and analyzing the practices of writing developed in the initial formation of the pedagogy course at UFPE, trying to understand how this formation space has been promoting the development of writing during the graduation. The research is composed to 14 students that were taking the subject of TCCII (morning, afternoon and evening), on the second semester of 2007. The data were collected by a questionnaire, applied collectively, and by an interview semi-structured, applied individually. Each one of the interviews were recorded and later transcribed to analyze the data. These data were analyzed using the questions as reference. The participantâs verbalizations suggest that they know the progress reached in their textual productions during the initial formation, besides the importance that writing represents to the teaching exercise. Since there is still a difficulty of writing, the students cite the teacherâs conduct and the little diversity in the use of the different types of writing as the causes of the non-improvement on their skills. The realization of the scientific article was considered an important experience, because of the exclusive assistance of a teacher to orientate the student during the process of TCC construction, helping since the material research until the improvement of the writing skills. The results show that, although the initial formation contributes to the development of your studentâs writing, itâs necessary improve the studentâs evolvement in the textual production and the reading universes


produÃÃo de texto escrita acadÃmica writing practices artigo cientÃfico prÃticas de escrita formaÃÃo inicial de professores educacao initial formation of the teachers, textual production, scientific articles, academic writing.

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