Risco de inadimplência em uma instituição de ensino fundamental e médio do Paraná : aplicação da resolução 2.682/99 do Banco Central do Brasil / Risco de inadimplência em uma instituição de ensino fundamental e médio do Paraná : aplicação da resolução 2.682/99 do Banco Central do Brasil




The private Brazilian Schools and High Schools need to deal with some great challenges: the decrease of birth rates (meaning decrease on the quantity of students available), new competitors and the increase in the default rate. In parallel, the Brazilians macroeconomic situation is instable and the Consumers Protection Act is making it difficult the collection of the delayed payments. In this context, this work objectified: a) evaluates the default risk in a Private High School (Instituição de Ensino Fundamental e Médio IEFM) within Paraná; b) to give support for the managerial strategic decisions and c) the estimation of the probability of default (Provisão para Crédito de Liquidação Duvidosa PCLD) using a scientific methodology. To achieve the objectives: a) It has been analyzed the default probability by the application of the procedures described in the Brazilian Central Bank resolution 2,682/99, by its criteria of delay in days; b) it has been applied the technique of Credit Scoring to build a default model using logistic regression as support and c) It has been analyzed also the main characteristics of the credits classified by rating under the resolution 2,682/99 criteria, using multinomial logistic regression as support. The results showed that the models fit adequately the data and that they have good predicted capability. The results of the ROC Curve analyses, 0,986, showed that the multinomial logistic regression model has an excellent discriminate power and when combined with the analysis of the model adequacy, it was capable of identify adequately 81% of the credits classified by rating under the resolution 2,682/99 criteria.


administracao banco central do brasil - resoluções escolas - organização e administração - paraná inadimplência (finanças)

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