Representações das identidades lésbicas na telenovela Senhora do Destino




The pourpose of this work is to verify which social representations of lesbian identities are being made by brazilian soap-operas in the beginning of this century. Our study object is how the lesbian couple Eleonora (Mylla Christie) and Jenifer (Bárbara Borges) broadcasted in Senhora do Destino (Lady of Destiny) was represented. This soap-opera was on air in Rede Globo de Televisão in 2004/2005 and had audience highs of 81%. The lesbian characters during the eight mothns of the broadcasting went trought coming out, decided to live together and at the end of the story adopted a baby. Based on Queer Theory to analise gender issues, Cultural Studys to observe the media aspects and Social Representation Theory to go through stereotypes about lesbians in brazilian society in the beginning of this century, we analised the most importante images and dialogues of the characters. In order to discover ways in which the lesbian couple was seen by the audience we have analised dialogs of a group of viewers in one Internet community created to discuss Eleonora and Jenifers romance. We concluded that the lesbian couple represents an inovation in brazilian fictional narrative about same sex love. The couple was portrayed in the romantic love basis and ended up building a family emulating a straight one: living together, monogamous and raising a child. But the couple was represented with prejudice when compared to the straigh couples of the narrative. Eleonora and Jenifer were victims of prejudice and censorship, specially in relation to the fisical manifestations of love. The viewers group we studied has shown ambivalent reactions to the lesbian couple representation. In spite of the hapiness for the media visibility, the group showed frustration for the prejudice portraied against the lesbian couple. We noticed also in this group wishes that the lesbian couple could be shown like a normal couple, just like any other romantic pair in the story.


identidade sexual lésbica telenovela homossexualidade ficção seriada comunicacao lesbianismo

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