Relação entre o Executivo e o Legislativo no periodo parlamentarista no Brasil (1961-1963) / The relationship between Executive and Legislative power in Brazilian parliamentary system period (1961-1963)




After the resignation of Jânio Quadros in 1961, is established a crisis politician-military on the succession to the president position: constitutionally the vice-president would have to take ownership, however the military ministers try to impose a veto to this ownership. To solve this crisis, the Congress approves an Emendation Constitutional that changed the system of government of presidentialist for parliamentarist. The object of this study is the period of validity of this Emendation. We search to analyze as if it gave the functioning of being able them of State under the new system, that is, as the president, the cabinet and the Legislative one had acted in the restored parliamentarism. When analyzing the performance of these actors politicians we search to evidence the influence of institutional framework preceding, that is, as that practical and the typical relations of the residentialism restored in 1946 survive under the parliamentarism


poder legislativo - brasil power executive brazil parliamentarianism parlamentarismo poder executivo - brasil power legislative

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